Myth No. 3: The morning-after pill is a real “hormonal bomb” that will disrupt my cycles for a long time

This is a recurring preconceived idea that is indeed false. Let’s set the record straight: the morning after pill contains a molecule that affects hormonal activity at the time it’s taken, in order to block or delay ovulation. This has the advantage of preventing fertilization of the egg cell by sperm, if it’s taken soon after unprotected or poorly protected sex. The sooner you take it, the more likely it will work. Rest assured that your cycles will return to their normal pattern after menstruation.

What are the possible side effects of the morning-after pill?

Side effects tend to vary from woman to woman, just like with any medicine. The most commonly reported ones are headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, breast pain, feeling tired and nauseous, but they are normally very mild. If ever nausea causes vomiting within three hours of taking the morning-after pill, it’s advised that you take another pill.

The good news? The side effects are usually temporary and tolerable. Your next period may come earlier or later than usual, which is neither abnormal nor a cause for concern.

However, a point to note: if you notice your period is delayed by over a week, do a pregnancy test to check that the morning after pill worked. There’s no need to do one before this, as the result wouldn’t be reliable. If the test is positive and you don’t want to continue the pregnancy, it’s okay to ask for help, you aren’t alone. Your doctor will walk you through your options and you can choose what’s best for your situation. It’s helpful to reach out to your emotional support group, whether it be your spouse, friends, family, or therapist to help talk you through your decision.

Does the morning-after pill affect fertility?

The morning-after pill doesn’t affect fertility, as it acts on the ovulation cycle when you take it. Therefore, it won’t prevent you from getting pregnant when the time comes. Wherever you heard this myth, rest assured that infertility is not a side effect of the morning-after pill.

Just bear in mind that the morning after pill is an oral emergency contraception that is meant for occasional use. If you find yourself in a situation where there have been several risks of unprotected sex on several occasions in a short timeframe, be sure to talk to your doctor about finding a regular contraception that best suits you.

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